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Keeping Our Faith with Taal Volcano Eruption

We happily celebrated New Year 2020 all over The World, but most specially here in The Philippines.

We believe that New year means new life. New beginnings for ourselves and families, our country and around the world. This is our prayer and wish.

For The Philippines now, we have a natural disaster again, Taal volcano eruption in Batangas. Yet it is a natural disaster and we cannot do anything to stop it but offer only our prayers.

With our Faith in God, we believe that everything will be alright again.

It is most especially a calling or reminder that we must keep our Faith no matter what comes into our lives. Be thankful for all God graces.

Volcanic eruption is a natural interaction to balance the nature, and even how big effect on our living after this situation happens, we will survive; again and again.

Remember! God will make way if we trust in Him.

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